Hypnotic Commands For Instant Domination!

Why are some folks so sensitive about words like “domination”?

The fact is, there are situations where it is totally ethical and appropriate to dominate a situation!

when influencing others for their true benefit
when protecting someone (including yourself!)
when securing your future

We all know this is true, yet I feel like the only guy brave enough to say it and show you exactly how to do it.

While I brace myself for the usual hate-mail from the player-haters 🙂 here is some information that will help you become a more powerful person in all that you do.

Sound good?

Of course!

Okay then. First of all, “Hypnosis” is by-passing the conscious mind to directly access and influence the sub-conscious mind, which is the place where all decisions and behaviors originate.

Make sense?

“Covert Speed” Hypnosis is an elite way of powerful Hypnosis with an edge, and could be considered a Martial Art in and of itself.

A “hypnotic command” is when you direct someone hypnotically towards a desired outcome.

When giving Hypnotic Commands, one should be congruent – in energy, in body language, in vocal tonality, eye contact and flow.

Now, this doesn’t mean that they won’t work if you’re not totally congruent, sometimes they will!

But they work even better when you yourself are congruent consciously and subconsciously (energy, thoughts, will, intentions, emotions, etc) and in your outer manifestations (poise, voice, etc)

Once you have this, you can “intuit” when and where to “strike” with a Hypnotic Command.

Some Commands work best when they are Covert or Subtle. Others work best when they are Direct.

It would take several pages to outline the many Commands here, but you’ll get all of that in the all-new Covert Speed Hypnosis course, plus the “how to” and the way to internalize it instantly so you don’t have to worry about “remembering” it.

Fair enough?

When you have intuited the right moment and energy, a simple direct hypnotic command can have thrilling results!

For example, commands such as this can have an instant hypnotic effect:

“Kiss me.”

“Write the check”

“You know you really want to, so go ahead”

Often you’ll find they obey you like robotic sheep.

It’s simply amazing what the “direct attack” can do if and when it is applied right.

You can also lead up to it with less significant, but equally compelling commands, such as

“Here’s what I want you to do…”

“Grab a pen and write this down…”

“Here. I want to show you something. Check this out. I want you to hold my hand for a minute. Good, now close your eyes and remember a time when you felt safe and happy…”

These “lead-up” commands establish a control and direction. When you have them “write this down” – you control their response, and get them writing – as in writing a check.

Indeed, you’re often helping them get what they really want in this situation. Sometimes people are just too damned self-conscious to say what they really want and just go ahead and do it.

Thus when you command them to do it, you’re taking the pressure off and letting them have what they really want!

As you become accustomed to and more familiar with your own personal power and authority, you’ll begin to notice how people follow you and want to please you more.

This is because they often don’t have the strength of self-determination, so they WANT to be led!

Think about it – ever hear about “the masses?” Yep, that’s them – just about everybody around you.

The key is to not let your new-found powers go to your head and develop a huge ego.

If you use this to take unfair advantage of others, it will backfire on you. That’s just the way it works.

But by staying rooted in integrity and principle, your power actually multiplies!

If you’re a person who understands this, I made Covert Speed
Hypnosis with you in mind.

Those wise enough to step up and take advantage of this elite offer will get life-changing material.

That is the bottom line and the cold hard truth of the matter.

It can change your life.

You owe it to yourself now to step up and make a change that will last, and get your hands on skills that can make you UNSTOPPABLE.

I’ve done my part, the rest is up to you.

>> Get It Here <<

Yours in Warrior Wisdom,
Scott Bolan