Let’s just get right to the point: I have thousands of students and subscribers all over the world. I sent out a letter asking them …

What Is The Greatest Struggle You’re Facing?

The response was overwhelming: 98% of the people said the #1 struggle they face… the #1 thing holding them back… is MONEY.

That is absolutely the biggest challenge most people have, because it effects everything else! From the quality of your life, to how you spend your time, where you go, what you can do, your freedom to travel and spend your time on things you care about, your ability to help those you love and causes you care about, to providing for your family and their quality of life.

And that makes it SUPER IMPORTANT.

Because once you are manifesting enough money to meet your needs and desires, you can live the way you want and do what you want. Whether it’s traveling, building your empire, or helping others.

This is such a huge issue for most people, that I decided to put together a Mastery Course that shows you how to DESTROY the Money Problem once and for all – the same way I show you how to DESTROY an Attacker…

BRUTALLY, Effectively and QUICKLY

That’s the most effective way to Destroy an Attacker, and to Destroy just about any problem you’ve been struggling with for far too long.

The Time Is Now to DESTROY Your Money Problem and Manifest Money as a Warrior!

Here’s My Story And Why You Should Listen To Me…

I was raised in “white trash” poverty by a single parent. I had a great father who loved us and worked hard, but times were tough. It’s not easy raising 4 kids as a single parent!

I constantly lived in unsafe poor neighborhoods, and for most of my teens I lived in a shed that had no running water or toilet – I literally had to go outside!

At one time – and I am not kidding – it got infested with rats and black widows and I had to tear out a wall to clean out the rats nest and get one of those foggers to kill the spiders.

True Story!

You might be thinking in your head right now, that this was a serious motivation for me at 14 years of age to improve my circumstances and my future.. and you’re right.

Fortunately… and this is IMPORTANT… I’d been a Martial Artist since the age of 8. That started one night when I heard some shouting from a run down carpet warehouse in one of those bad neighborhoods I lived in (I shouldn’t have been out there at night!).

Anyways, I peeked in and saw about 12 people in wrinkled, sweaty karate uniforms (nothing fancy) doing some serious fighting stuff. They were listening to an older Japanese guy who had cauliflower ears and knuckles. His English wasn’t very good, and his Black Belt was so worn it almost looked gray.

He Commanded a Quiet Authority and Respect, and there was something there that was not only truly BAD-ASS, but also SPIRITUAL about Him

I knew I just had to get in on this, so I waited around and kept coming back and pestering him until he let me in the class (the rest of the students were adults, but I was pretty tall as a kid and eventually I earned their respect).

This wasn’t one of those Strip Mall McDojo’s of today that give out gold stars and candy to kids who do their homework!

Training was Hard, Tough, and 3 Hours a Night.

You literally saw Blood, Sweat and Tears….

… and the development of The True Warrior Spirit and Mindset.

So, because of this I had already developed a powerful inner strength and resolve, and a sharpening intuition.

Now, remember how I said this was IMPORTANT?

Well here’s why:

You see, this Warrior Mindset effected all of my life, and especially came to bear when I looked at Making Money.

I had a Money Problem – the problem was, I didn’t have enough Money!

So at the young age of 14, I looked at this money problem and asked myself, “How would I solve this problem as a Martial Artist? As a Warrior?”

The Answer Came Instantly…

I’d already had a few jobs here and there working for other people, but I always knew as a Warrior it’s MUCH BETTER TO WORK FOR YOUR SELF, because you can be your own boss, control how much money you make (no hourly limits), and enjoy more Freedom. In other words…

You Can Control Your Own Destiny, Which Is EXACTLY What a True Warrior Does!

So I literally started mowing lawns in the neighborhood – and I was aggressive about it and started making enough money to have fun and be comfortable. I even got a few buddies to work under me so I could take on more jobs.

In Junior High School I got suspended for two weeks for selling homemade Nunchakus! (these days, they probably would have called the SWAT team and put the school on lockdown LOL)

My Entrepreneurial roots were beginning to grow….

My dad had a beat up old van and a chainsaw, so at 15 with my driver’s permit I went to a Kinko’s and ran off flyers for a tree-trimming service and I aggressively flyer’d the neighborhoods were there were trees and nice houses – people with money!

Pretty soon, at 15, I was making more money than 25 year olds!

I went from that to doing a Painting service painting vacant Apartments and Houses. I didn’t know how to paint, but I went with a buddy who was working for a painter and learned how in a day or two and was on my way – making even more money!

At night I would call street directory listings to find people I could give bids to for tree service or painting, and eventually it dawned on me – why not sell these leads to a tree service or painting company – so I don’t have to physically labor?


… I ended up starting a lead generating company (this was in the days of no Internet, I did it all over the phone). I gathered leads for tree cutting, painting, even Insurance!

Again, I was making more money than guys twice my age.

Look, I don’t want to bore you with my super-long life story, so I’ll try to keep it short and simple: what this boils down to is that, because of my very serious roots in “old school” Martial Arts I was able to apply that Warrior’s Instinct to Creative Entreprenuerialism.

I went on from there to doing debt collection, security work, to booking local bands and major concert events, to managing real Rock Stars and going on tour all over the world, and more!

By the way – while all of this was going on I never gave up my passion for physical and mental Martial Arts (they are inseparable), and I traveled far and wide to train with the “who’s who” in the Martial Arts and Combatives world, including one of Bruce Lee’s original students!

And eventually, my biggest passion, the Martial Arts, took back over and led to where I am today.

I went from teaching in my back yard to opening successful Academies, to doing seminars where people fly in from all over the world to train with me, to becoming a bestselling author and peak performance coach, selling thousands of DVDs, CDs and Books every year with students and clients in almost every country on the planet!

The photo you see near the top of this page is from my second induction into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, this time with a Life Achievement Award.

Look. I’ve told you all of this not to toot my own horn, but to let you know this:

I’m a regular guy, just like you.
I figured out how to do it.
And if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT.
And Right Now, I’m going to show you HOW…

Because so many people struggle with not having enough money, I decided to make a modern day Mastery Course that would give you everything you need to Manifest Money as a Warrior.

I put together this program very carefully and methodically so you can easily learn this and Destroy your money problems once and for all!

It’s LOADED with modern-day real-world “how-to” that is cutting-edge for 2017!

On top of that, I also added my entire CD, DVD and Manual archive of Kick-Ass money-making and marketing secrets! These can’t be found anywhere else.

It all adds up to 41 discs of pure golden wisdom that will blow you away, that will truly Liberate and Empower you, and that you will absolutely LOVE.

Just look at what’s IN the course:

I start off by interviewing and sharing secrets with a few real self-made millionaires, and an actual Rock Star!

These aren’t just some successful people I sought out. They’re close personal friends of mine who share way more with me than they ever would with the public. That means only you get these secrets!

Volume 1, DVD 1 is Self-Made Millionaire Interview #1

I sit down with Daniel Wynn, a twice self-made rags-to-riches millionaire, and we share our proven secrets in a personal discussion (we’re literally sitting at a private bar)

Daniel made it big, lost it all and was flat broke using public transportation, living in a cheap apartment and working the graveyard shift as a Casino security guard for 10.00 an hour!  But within a year he got it all back and is Rich again – you’ll find out how you – yes, YOU – can do the same!

Here’s what else you’ll learn in the new course…

• The 3 Things You MUST Do To Go From Broke To WEALTHY

• My First Martial Arts Entrepreneurial Endeavor That FILLED MY WALLET (and got me suspended from Junior High School for 2 weeks LOL)

• The Light-Switch “Warrior Secret” that EVERY self-made Millionaire uses to succeed (even if they don’t know it!) no you will know it and you can flip the switch again and again until you are as rich as you want to be!

• The One Decision That Determines Your Financial Future (This. Will. Blow. You. Away!)

• 3 Master Warrior Money-Manifesting Keys

• Make them want to give YOU money (so much better and easier this way!)

• The one secret thing that causes Markets to move (knowing this gives YOU the advantage)

• The basis of POWER and how to have more than you’ll ever need

• 3 Unfair Methods to provoke the response you want from someone – every time!

• Why people think everything is Bullshit (and how to stop it in advance)

• How to remove self-imposed mental blocks (that you didn’t know you had!)

• The 4 Pillars of Money-Manifesting

• Internet Money-Making and YouTube DOMINATION Secrets from the guy who launched Lady GaGa (before anyone knew who she was!)

• How To Get Rich at almost ANYTHING

• How To Make Great Money, Quickly, as a Loan Broker… even if you have no Money!

• Over 20 KILLER Ways to Make Money from Home at little or even Zero Cost!

• The 10 Precepts (knowing these gives you the Ultimate Advantage in Cash-Harvesting and Stacking Big Bank!)

• Exposed! The “Secret Letter” that reveals EXACTLY WHAT IT TAKES to Manifest Money

.. and much more!

You’re also going to learn what ABRACADABRA really means. It really is related to Powerful MAGICK. You see, it isn’t just a word that a stage magician uses when pulls a rabbit out of a hat.

“Abracadabra” comes from the Aramaic word “Abraqadhabra” – which literally means “I Will Create As I Speak”

What you will learn about this may be the most powerful thing you learn in life next to walking, breathing, reading and spelling.

What you learn here about Abraq-Ad-Habra can literally transform every area of your life, including manifesting more money than you ever dreamed of.

I say that in all sincerity, and must admit: when I discovered this secret I JUMPED FOR JOY!

By the way, do you know who owns the domain name

I do.


When I get an inspiration or idea for a project, the first thing I do is go grab the dot come for it. I now own somewhere around 250 domain names.

As you might already know, I am a HIGHLY Successful self-made internet marketer.

That’s why you’re reading this right now! Somehow, some way, my message reached you.

And in the all-new Warrior Money Manifesting course, I’m going to show you how to reach the world with YOUR Message…

I’m going to give you ALL of my Marketing Secrets.. every single one!

Listen. Have YOU ever thought about what it would be like to work for yourself, selling your own information products on subjects you are passionate about like I do?

One of the greatest things about this isn’t just the money and status – it’s being able to do something you really love, instead of just just clocking in at a job because you ‘have to.”

I’ll answer all of your questions about this business, and I’ll share all of the ups and downs I’ve had along the way, so not only do you learn from my success, but you learn from my mistakes as well so you don’t have to repeat them!

Even if you’ve never considered selling your own info-products or doing seminars like I do, you’ll absolutely LOVE this!

You see, when you discover the Ultimate Secrets of “personal target-specific ad copy-writing” you’ll find yourself becoming a master of Persuasion and Influence in your language with anyone, whether it’s verbal communication, in your emails, or your texts, to anyone, for any reason or purpose.

Think about it right now: when you want something, anything at all, from another person, you have to communicate with them, right?

You will either ask with your words, or you will write to them in an email, written letter, form, text or Facebook Message. There is simply no other way than that you MUST communicate to get what you want.

So by learning the secrets I’ll share with you in this course, can you see how awesome and useful these skills can be in your life?

AND, unlike many other courses out there, I don’t show you “how to sell info-product and internet money-making ideas” to make money. Many teachers out there only succeeded at selling you an idea – of how to sell that idea!

Who needs THAT?

I give you the REAL DEAL, because I DID IT FIRST in Real Life with my own products on things I’m passionate about (I did not start by selling an “Info-Product/Internet Moneymaking course”)

Only AFTER succeeding at it in a huge way did I feel qualified to show you how to do it for yourself.

That’s a huge difference.

I’m not going to show you how to make money selling a money-making idea, I’m going to show you how to make money selling YOUR ideas and knowledge.

What I’m talking about here is..

The SCIENCE of Info Product Empire Building and Ad Copywriting!

What I’m about to tell you may seem like bragging, but it’s not. It’s simply a statement of fact.

My mom is definitely going to tweak my ear anyway and say “Scott, it’s not nice to brag.” But it’s not bragging when I say this because it’s true, so I’ll just go ahead and come out and say it…

Are you ready? Okay, here goes:

I’m one of the most successful info-product marketers on the planet.

There. I said it. Of course, you probably already knew that anyway and that’s how this letter found its way to you, and let’s get to the point:

I’m one only a small handful of people in the world who can write an email and go to bed, and wake up to more money than most men make in a few months of hard work.

I’ve had single weeks of passive income where I make more than most men make in a year!

Sure, there are a few who are more successful than me. A few, and only a few guys in the mainstream. But that’s it.

And that’s the way I want it, because I like it outside of the mainstream.

I get to make my own rules. I get to go where I want, do what I want, and I don’t have to kiss ass for political and business reasons.

There’s Nothing Better Than Living Life The Way You Want To!

Want me to show you how, right now?

Scroll to the top or bottom of the page and Order the Warrior Money Manifesting course and hop on in! Or you can keep reading before you order…

And here’s the real SHOCKER that separates me from the mainstream guys: I write my own ad copy and I have never taken a class or read a book on it and I did not copy anyone else!

The other guys pay the amazing wizards like the Gary Halbert’s and Dan Kennedy’s of the world tens of thousands to go to their seminars (and rightfully so, I’ve heard first-hand that these guys are worth every penny).

But I stumbled into this business before I even knew who all these guys were, and within a year I was making Boatloads of Cash while sleeping in every day!

So HOW did I do it?

I Decided on the LIFESTYLE I wanted (not the lifestyle I was “told” to want), and

– How Much Money I wanted to live the way I want
– Where I Wanted to Live
– How I Wanted to work (and for me that meant doing what I love, keeping my own
schedule, having FUN and never working for others)
– What Skills I would need to accomplish this2. I designed my Success Map to get there!

Then I Decided specifically what field I wanted to conquer. (in fact, no one else does what I do specifically – I created my own genre!

Yes, there are many great teachers and self-help guys, motivational speakers, business coaches, consultants, Hypnotherapists, PUA’s, Nuero-Linguistic Programming Masters, Martial Arts masters, etc, but I’m the first one who combined it all and distilled it down to it’s Warrior Essence)

In the Info Product Empire portion of the Warrior Money Manifesting course (it’s in Vol. 4) I will show YOU how to do the same thing – how to make yourself the Unique and ONLY one who can offer what you offer. This is the famous “USP” – Unique Selling Proposition that differentiates you from everyone else out there and has clients beating a path to your door with bundles of cash in their hot little hands!*** And then…

I Future-Timeline-Paced and Brought Back the Specific Actions I’d Need To Take To Get There.

Right there alone I just gave you a HUGE secret to getting anything you want.

But if you might be saying “sure, I understand that. Anyone can do that.”


Most folks who think they have this Knowledge do not actually UNDERSTAND it.

There is a huge difference between Knowing something and Understanding it. It’s the literal difference between success and failure in ANYTHING.

There are even people who Understand something, but don’t “Know” it.

People call them “lucky” but in fact they’re not lucky, they simply subconsciously “understand.”

This is THE difference and you will discover it in for your self in Warrior Money Manifesting.

And Here’s where it gets EVEN BETTER!: I used the Ancient principles I’d discovered in my studies of the ancient Warrior Arts. It was mind-blowing to discover the ancient origins of NLP in the Indian Thugee & Ninja cults. We’re talking POWER beyond description here, flat-out Magic! And now that I was Armed with that Understanding…

I intuitively and instinctively applied it to #1 and #2.

Then AFTER having huge success at it, I distilled my formula down to it’s essentials. Yes, I “canned” it for future use.

How could I not?

I stumbled on a formula that’s making me FILTHY RICH! And now, I’m now I “cloned” it by sharing it with YOU in the Warrior Money Manifesting course!

I’ve never shared all of my secrets for this before, but in this course, I will personally share them with you Directly.

You can go out and use them to build your own empire, or to write ad copy for your current business that can have customers beating down your door by the truckload.Listen. ANY thing you could possibly want to know about Info-Product marketing, and Ad-copy writing – any aspect of it at all, you will probably get your questions answered directly in this course!

Is that fair enough?

Listen, if you’re anywhere near being “in the loop” of the Martial Arts, Combatives, Survival, Warrior Wisdom, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Huna, NLP, The Secret, Self-Empowerment, Seduction, PUA world you know damn well that my ad copy is irresistible..

There is a methodical magic behind it that I stumbled upon and captured, canned and cloned for huge success. When you get this in this course, you’ll feel like you just found a magic lamp with a money-genie in it.

Life will never be the same when you find out:

•How To Stay at Home and Sleep In and Make More Money than your friends who are punching a clock and going to “work”

• The Blacklisted Secrets of Search-Engine Optimization without paying Google a cent! Not a penny!

• Instant Credibility: Degrees and Certifications are pieces of worthless paper that won’t make you a dime (if you don’t undertand this…)

• 3 Ways to top Google’s search engines

• Making Boatloads of Cash on EBay and Amazon the easy way! (yes even though I’m in the worldwide print, radio & web media, I’ve had my people sell mstuff on Ebay and Amazon, because it makes us CASH and builds my list huge!)

• The Money Funnel Secret

• Irresistible Upsell Secrets: Turn that $40.00 customer into a $4000.00 who writes you rave reviews and tells all his friends to buy from you

• How to start with almost no money at all, while you have a boring job, and turn it into an empire!!!! (hey, it’s why I did, how about YOU – would you like to do what I do? I’ll show you HOW in the course)

• How to get on talk radio all over America for FREE, and what to say to drive THOUSANDS to your website in just a few seconds!

… and MORE!

In Warrior Money Manifesting, YOU GET WAY MORE Than just info-product or Internet Marketing Mastery. That’s just the tip of the Iceberg!

We show you over 25 Killer Ways to make money from home, so you’re not limited to just one thing! And most importantly, I show you …

How To Remove The Mental, Emotional, and Energetic Blockages That Have Been Holding You Back From Manifesting Big Money In Your Life!

You may not have even know you’ve had these, but once you discover them and how to get rid of them, you’ll be JUMPING FOR JOY and Truly LIBERATED.

As a part of this new-found Freedom, you will discover the ways of Manifesting Money and seeing new opportunities left and right!

You see, one thing Warrior Money Manifesting does is show YOU how to FLIP THE KILL-SWITCH whenever you want to BECOME A MONEY MAGNET!!!

Am I serious? I am DEADLY Serious

And I Can Prove It To You…

When you watch the Live Seminars portion of Warrior Money Manifesting in Vol. 2 (Warrior Money-Getting),  and Vol. 4 (Warrior Millionaire) – you will see students stand up and jump for joy and say things like….

“These are the most powerful secrets I have ever seen!”

“Scott is better than Tony Robbins on Steroids!”


“Holy Sh–!!”

“Yes!! Yes!! YES!!!”


“I made 7,000 in one day using what Scott told me word-for word!”

That’s just a few of many.

You’ll see them all for yourself, and you can come back to this website and check off the list.

Within minutes, you will learn for your self HOW to actually DO amazing things like….

• TRUE ‘Magic’ Secrets to easily PERSUADE ANYONE!
(Without compromising integrity or honor. Ever!)

• How to Break Down the Walls of Resistance in your own mind, in their mind, and MAKE MONEY MAGICALLY

• How to “trick” your own brain into instant cash-manifesting (stuff that works)

• How To Make 20,000 in 20 Days (or WAY more, and it’s really not that hard)

• How to blast your income through the roof by implementing The Master Keys to Fountains of Cash – while you stay at Home! Includes several REAL Money-Making ideas you can Start NOW for peanuts, and you never have to see people!

• Mind-Boggling Search Engine and Facebook DOMINATION Secrets… you won’t believe how EASY it is!

.. and Yes, I will say it again: MORE!

Now before I go any further, I also have to tell you I have more magical friends – you’ll see them LIVE and they will impart magic and cash-increasing wisdom to you on these DVDs that no one has! I’m talking about Friends like…

– The Beautiful Magical Kahuna (she’ll show you how to get rid of fear, doubt, worry, ailments, weakness and all of the blocks and negative self-images! And how to replace them with power and peace!) Her very presence and voice will fill you with joy and warmth and charismatic confidence.

– The Make-Easy-Cash-King of Foreclosures (he’s making more money in THIS economy than ever, and he shows you how EASILY to do the same – wherever you live – step-by-step!!!! OMG!!!) This information alone is worth THOUSANDS – it’s like your own instant bank account!

Yes, I have GREAT friends.

Good friends are good to have, but GREAT ones are even better, because being around them can MAKE YOU RICH AND POWERFUL!!!

You see, we are influenced by who we are around. In that way, “we are defined by the company we keep” as the old saying goes.

Listen, in this day and age, in these modern times, it has never been more vitally important to be independent, prosperous and powerful. The gap between those who succeed and those who lose is getting bigger every minute of every day.

I could go on all day about everything you’ll discover. I’ll just save us both time and say it like this: Get the course right now and get started! I’ll walk you through it step by step.

You won’t find a better or more reliable course to get you up and on your way instantly, and I really do mean that. Have at it, friend. You know you want this lifestyle too, and it’s waiting for you right now.

Important: As of midnight on March 4th, this website comes down and Warrior Money Manifesting will be taken off the market FOREVER. This is elite info for my personal tribe of Warriors, and frankly, I’m giving all my secrets away!

I’ve had people take advantage of courses like this for $5,000.00 and $10,000.00

This course is EASILY worth $5,000.00 hands down, but I’ve priced it under $2,000.

If you’re thinking in your mind right “$2,000 Oh my gosh!” then your mindset probably isn’t where it needs to be, and you are the person I should be talking to.

You’re probably the person who might benefit the most from this course.

Hey, I’m sure there have been times in your life, or you’ve had friends tell you, that they’ve missed an opportunity. Where they said, “I sure wish I did that!”

I know we’ve all had times like that in our lives, and I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity.

But I know you’re someone who takes action or you wouldn’t be here right now, and those are the people I like to reward – you’re the ones who will go through the material and take action on it and change their lives.

Order now, and I’ll see you on the other side!
